Extras agency London

Infernal: Bringing Authenticity and Flair to Your Productions

extras agency LondonWelcome to Infernal: Your premier extras agency in London

Discover the magic of Infernal, your ultimate extras agency in London. We are passionate about finding the right extras for your film, television, or advertising needs. With an extensive database of talent and a wealth of industry knowledge, we provide unparalleled service to both our clients and our artists.

Why choose Infernal as your extras agency in London?

  1. Broad spectrum of talent: At Infernal, we pride ourselves on representing a diverse range of talents. Our extras encompass all ages, looks, and backgrounds, allowing us to provide the perfect fit for your project, no matter how specific your requirements may be.
  2. Dedication to excellence: As an esteemed Extras Agency in London, our commitment is to ensure that both our clients and our artists have a seamless and successful experience. We provide thorough support from the initial casting call through to the final production wrap.
  3. Versatility and flexibility: Our agency is adept at handling all kinds of requests, from last-minute casting changes to sourcing extras for large-scale productions. We provide our services to productions across the U.K. and even internationally.

extras agencyUnmatched experience as an extras agency in London

With years of experience under our belt, we’ve become a trusted Extras Agency in London. For film, television, and advertising producers alike. We understand the nuances of the industry and have built a robust network of connections that enable us to source talent quickly and efficiently.

model agency

Putting faces to productions

At Infernal, we go above and beyond to ensure we fulfil our clients’ needs. Whether it’s sourcing a bustling crowd for a period drama or locating unique individuals to add authenticity to your project. As a leading Extras Agency in London, we have it covered.

Join us at Infernal: London’s leading extras agency

For aspiring extras, Infernal provides an excellent platform to kickstart your career. As a reputable Extras Agency, we offer opportunities to work on a variety of exciting projects. Our professional team provides guidance and support, ensuring you are well-prepared for each role.

Connect with us today

Step into Infernal’s world, the premiere Agency in London. Experience the difference our dedicated team can make for your career. Contact us today to learn about our services and how we can bring your vision to life.

In the world of film, television, and advertising, it’s the little details that often make the biggest difference. That’s why Infernal, as a leading Extras Agency in London, is committed to providing the best service. The most suitable extras for every production. We look forward to working with you and helping you tell your story with authenticity and flair.

Extras Agency INFERNAL
00-724 Warsaw ul. Chełmska 21, Poland

Contact for customers

Tel: +48 721 230 265


Recruitment to the Agency

Tel: +48 512 670 789 +48 508 683 557




    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Agencje INFERNAL z siedzibą w Warszawie, przy ulicy Chełmska 21, w celu i w zakresie niezbędnym do obsługi przesłanej wiadomości.